
在Getting Start時我們就已經稍微提到Geometry的相關概念了,雖然我們可以用vertices和faces建構出我們的幾何體,但我們有時候不需用這麼做。在Three.js之中就已經有提供一些基本的幾何體,如正方體、圓形、圓柱......等,大部分內容,官方的文件一看就能夠明瞭。

  1. BoxGeometry
  2. CircleGeometry
  3. CylinderGeometry
  4. DodecahedronGeometry
  5. ExtrudeGeometry - Creates extruded geometry from a path shape
  6. IcosahedronGeometry
  7. LatheGeometry - Class for generating meshes with axial symmetry. Possible uses include donuts, pipes, vases etc. The lathe rotate around the Y axis.
  8. OctahedronGeometry
  9. ParametricGeometry - Generate geometry representing a parametric surface.
  10. PlaneGeometry
  11. PolyhedronGeometry - A polyhedron is a solid in three dimensions with flat faces. This class will take an array of vertices, project them onto a sphere, and then divide them up to the desired level of detail. This class is used by DodecahedronGeometry, IcosahedronGeometry, OctahedronGeometry, and TetrahedronGeometry to generate their respective geometries.
  12. RingGeometry
  13. ShapeGeometry - Creates a one-sided polygonal geometry from one or more path shapes. Similar to ExtrudeGeometry
  14. SphereGeometry
  15. TetrahedronGeometry
  16. TextGeometry
  17. TorusGeometry
  18. TorusKnotGeometry
  19. TubeGeometry - Creates a tube that extrudes along a 3d curve







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